Pazienza Magnifica

Pazienza Magnifica

Pazienza Magnifica

[Magnificent Patience]

Anticipations’ calm scent honors a 
voiceless fate, long ago determined. Blades lay chilled
among and between the valleys of crumbled earth
above the silent beat of the 
womb’s radiant darkness

A magnificent patience beholds the day,
the night, 
the day, 
the night
Flawless accidents distill meager dependent life
surviving only to be born

Linking, locking
ceaseless knitting,
time driven shadows escape beyond now
in dark campestral hours

Cold and deep hangs a black starry veil,
void of humanity’s heavy breath
with it the absence of judgment,
the absence of fear

A promise kept, though never made 
sparks destiny’s teeming arc
while a magnificent patience beholds the day
the night
the day 
the night 

This life among the living 
this truth beyond divinity 
this fertile light descending 

Conscienceless duty surrounds
an open pulse of random desire 
possessing no love, no hate, no equal

Can this be a selfish story of
repetitious chemistry? Of pods sealed,
smoke and ash exposed?
Is this where death becomes meal? All
while a magnificent patience beholds the day
the night
the day
the night

NOTE: This my tome to unfettered organic life, drawing upon my youth at my grandmother's farm. Beginning with modern agriculture (man) and devolving into a prehistoric time where only the laws of pure nature, untouched by man prevail. Void of human influence, life is bent on unstoppable growth

